GÉANT Project milestones

GN5-1 milestones

The GÉANT p​roject has a range of milestones associated with the activities. These will be made available on this page once published.​​​​​​​​

M3.5 Global Engagements Report

Published date | 2 December 2024

This report provides an overview of global engagement activities carried out in Period 2 (January 2024–December 2024) by the International subtask of GN5-1 WP3 Task 1, as well as by other projects, collaborations, and contracts that support global interactions between GÉANT and Research and Education Networks (RENs) in other world regions. In addition, an overview of the status of Network Services, Trust and Identity, Security and other GÉANT Services in other world regions is provided, as well as details of participation in the GÉANT Community Programme Task Forces and Special Interest Groups.


M3.3 Global Engagements Report

Published date | 8 February 2024

This report provides an overview of global engagement activities carried out by the International subtask of GN5-1 WP3 Task 1, as well as by other projects, collaborations, and contracts that support global interactions between GÉANT and Research and Education Networks (RENs) in other world regions. In addition, an overview of the status of Network Services, Trust and Identity, Security and other GÉANT Services in other world regions is provided, as well as details of participation in the GÉANT Community Programme Task Forces and Special Interest Groups.


M7.4 Example Workflow Orchestrator with IMS and IPAM Integration

Published date | 20 December 2023

A set of best common practices is explained using an orchestrator implementation based on the open source Workflow Orchestrator. A basic set of NREN products and workflow are modelled for a Node, Core Link, Customer port and L2VPN service, together with an IMS and IPAM integration using NetBox.


M8.3 Business Model for Joint Delivery of Security Services

Published date | 30 November 2023

This white paper presents the business model options for a security service within the GÉANT NREN community. Three major options are detailed and existing security services matched to these options. The document is intended to be a first step towards a more defined business model selection for new and existing security services.


M4.3 Draft Version of GÉANT Community Strategy for Above-the-Net Services

Published date | 30 November 2023

This document describes the GÉANT Community Sourcing Strategy for Infrastructure Cloud based on interviews with National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) to understand the decision making process involved in their strategies for sourcing infrastructure to support local institutes. This process has begun with the NRENs who volunteered participation, and their collective thoughts and direction have been included in this document. The document will evolve as discussions with the community continue, with the aim to create a definitive reference resource for the community by December 2024.


M8.2 Business Model for a European R&E Security Intelligence Hub

Published date | 27 October 2023

This white paper presents the business model of a Research and Education Security Intelligence Hub – a virtual organisation that seeks to create, collect, analyse, classify, and share actionable security intelligence for research and education. It highlights the key outcomes of a Business Model Canvas workshop, SWOT analysis and indicative information-sharing agreements, providing guidance for the next steps required towards establishing the Hub.


M2.1 Service Marketing Plans

Published date | 30 March 2023

This document details the initial work undertaken to deliver Service Marketing Plans for the GN5-1 Project.


M7.2 Orchestration Platform Architecture Review and Documentation

Published date | 27 June 2023

This document provides a brief description of Workflow Orchestrator, the orchestration platform architecture adopted by SURF, ESnet and GÉANT and proposed as a reference for other NRENs and R&E organisations.


M7.3 Common NREN Network Service Product Models

Published date | 27 June 2023

This document describes a set of network service product models that are common to the NREN community and can be used in combination with the Workflow Orchestrator.


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